Every Sunday we have the pleasure of painting with newbies and our amazing regulars!
This weekend we created Butterflies!
It's always cool to see how everyone takes the instructions and turns their canvas into a unique version of the same piece. The beauty of this consistent outcome is the most important message "Nobody else can do you". Nobody will ever create like you create making this a truly unique experience.
My favorite moments from today's class were...
One of our regulars Linda nailing fine lines!!! Loved hearing her pride in reaching that new level!
One of the little dudes who came along really didn't want to start his painting, he was nervous, thought it was too hard and didn't think he could. After about 10 minutes he happily announced to me " I'm making butterflies, I'm doing it, ME!"
As with all our classes I am always grateful for EVERYONE being super supportive and encouraging of each other's work even if they are complete strangers!!!
Thanks again Scuzi cafe for having us paint at your venue, the delicious pizza Amie and I devoured for lunch and the flowing drinks!!
( https://www.facebook.com/ScuziCaffe/ )
Check out all our upcoming classes and follow us on Facebook to keep up with all news and art fun!
See you all next week!!!
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